AZTI hosts 3rd MONITOOL meeting in San Sebastian
The third meeting between partners of the MONITOOL Project will be held in San Sebastian on October 9th and 10th. The conference will be the opportunity to share the first results of the wet season sampling campaigns.
San Sebastian, in Spain, is the next place where the MONITOOL partners will share the latest results of the project. First results from the DGTs deployed last winter are already available, and also the dry season campaigns finished recently. All the partners will have the opportunity to discuss about their progress and to evaluate this first year of the project lifetime.
The headquarters of AZTI, the organization that works for MONITOOL on the northern Spanish coast,, will host the meeting with the representation of all the partners, from the 6 European countries involved.
Two topics will be marked in red on the Agenda of the meeting. On one hand, the Analysis progress of the wet season sampling campaign results. Partners will discuss about: results of dissolved metals in waters (by SeaFast ICP-MS), labile fraction in waters (by voltammetry) and labile metal in DGTs. On the other hand it will be reviewed the dry season sampling campaign, which finished last September, and to talk about the lessons learned from the previous sampling campaign.
In addition, the progress in the implementation of the other technical work packages (4 and 6) will be detailed in subsequent presentations. During the second day of the meeting, aspects of the project that are more related to the coordination and financial part of the project (WP1), as well as the communication part (WP2), will be reviewed. In addition, as several Associated Partners will attend the meeting, they will have the opportunity to express their demands, ideas, etc. as part of WP3.