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WP 4 - Database Management and correlation studies

The general objective of the present WP is to develop a database that allows the compilation and interchange of all information related with physico-chemical parameters and metal concentrations for quality water assessment.

Cd, Ni and Pb (classified as priority substances by WFD) and other specific metals such as Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn (due to their potential risk effects) will be included.

Transitional and coastal water locations will be selected covering the whole Atlantic Region and some areas of the Mediterranean for the development of a more complete and robust database.

WP 4 Actions

  • Action 4.1: Data compilation and management
  • Action 4.2: Statistical analysis to relate metal concentrations in Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGTs) with spot water samples (dissolved and labile)
  • Action 4.3: Evaluate the effect of water physicochemical parameters in trace metal concentrations
  • Action 4.4: Methodology proposal for EQS adaptation for priority metals and for determining DGT- thresholds for other specific metals

This WP 4 is led by Fundación AZTI-Spain.

WP 5 - Field campaigns and analysis

This WP deals with the methods applied for field samples collection and for laboratory samples processing and analysis.

Partners will apply the same processes according to a common strategy agreed in consortium for sampling and analysis. The aim of a common strategy is to avoid operational variability in field and in laboratory works in order to obtain comparable metal data to be used for the correlation studies in WP4.

In this sense, partners will apply the same guidelines for samples collection, treatment and delivery to the responsible partner of each analytical methodology: passive sampler devices (DGT type) to IFREMER for ICPMS analysis, water samples for filtration to CEFAS, subsamples of filtered water samples to IPMA for ICPMS analysis and to IST for voltammetry analysis.

WP 5 Actions

  • Action 5.1: Protocols
  • Action 5.2: Field campaigns for DGTs deployments and water sampling
  • Action 5.3: Chemical analysis of metals in DGTs by ICPMS
  • Action 5.4: Chemical analysis of metals in water samples by ICPMS and by voltammetry
  • Action 5.5: DGT interlaboratory analysis for the development of a DGT expert lab network

This WP 5 is led by Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, CEFAS-UK.

WP 6 - EQS Adaptation and Chemical Status Assessment

The general objective of this WP is to calculate suitable standard values (environmental quality standards - EQS) in DGT for metals.

WP6 will integrate information and knowledge at transnational scale with the participation of all partners from Atlantic and Mediterranean area, providing interregional data for more European EQS consistency.

The outputs from this WP should impact on European policy both for the WFD and the MSFD (DGT-EQS can also be used for Environmental Status assessment in relation to Descriptor 8, concentrations of contaminants in coastal waters).

WP 6 Actions

  • Action 6.1: EQS adaptation for priority metals (Pb, Ni, Cd)
  • Action 6.2: EQS adaptation (thresholds) for other specific metals based on existing EQS values
  • Action 6.3: Application of obtained EQS values of DGTs metal data for chemical/environmental status assessment

This WP 6 is led by Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, IFREMER-France.