MONITOOL project, present at the International Symposium on Marine Sciences 2022
ITC and AZTI partners attended the Iberian Seminar on Marine Chemistry (SIQUIMAR) in the framework of the International Symposium on Marine Sciences (ISMS), 6 – 8 July 2022, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
This event ( brought together a Spanish and Portuguese chemical scientists involved in ocean and coastal processes, but open to other Iberoamerican and European scientists.
In addition, of being an open forum to present results and exchange viewpoints, SIQUIMAR was an ideal framework to explore new lines of research, identify common interests and establish synergies as the seed of new collaborative projects.
Following previous lines of action, the symposium brought marine chemical scientists of multidisciplinary research activities related to Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemical process studies, Tracers in the Ocean, Marine Ecotoxicology and Pollution and Global Change related processes.
Due to all the above, it was a good opportunity to publicize MONITOOL project and its main results.
A poster entitled “MONITOOL PROJECT: NEW TOOLS FOR MONITORING THE CHEMICAL STATUS IN TRANSITIONAL AND COASTAL WATERS UNDER THE WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE”, was exposed during each of the 4 days the Symposium lasted, which explained the main objective, the sampling campaigns and analysis carried out and the proposed EQS by DGT passive sampling devices for cadmium, nickel and lead, as well as for other metal ions under study.
Next steps, thanks to the granted 18-month project-extension (January 2022-June 2023), will extend searching for higher metal concentrations in order to validate and improve the obtained results.